Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What have we been up to??

We went out for wings.

Kenzie is learning to read!

Grandma Washington came down for a visit and made all of the girls adorable skirts.

Ellie is as cute as ever.

Ellie made the switch to a big girl bed and has done awesome.  We haven't had one issue yet.  This kid is awesome!

Madison has been getting creative with her "fashion" choices.  Necklace hanging off of her headband, it's the next big thing...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Disneyland 2013

California Trip 2013

It seems that every year about this time I take a trip to California to visit my friend Stacey.  I usually take whichever kid is still flying free (under 2 years old).  This year the plane tickets were really cheap, so I took all three girls.  Stacey has a 1 year old and an almost 3 year old daughter and another litlte one (boy maybe?!) on the way.  The girls loved playing with Aubrey and Reagan.  We had a packed week.  We went to an Aquarium, and indoor play place, Disneyland, and a bounce house birthday party during the 4 days we were there. 

Ellie couldn't get enough of this 20 foot slide.  She scaled the ladder and went down it like a pro.

The girls were awesome on the plane.  They have all been on a plane many times before, but not since they were old enough to remember it and know what was going on.  Madison had trouble with here ears on the descent, which she inherited from me...  Poor girl.

Waiting for take off!