Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hailey's Birth Story

 Hailey's Birth Story

We had a scheduled induction set for January 2, 2014, two days before my due date.  We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 in the morning eager to meet our baby girl!  It was the first time I had arrived at the hospital without being in labor, and it was a much calmer experience.  We were led to our room shortly after arriving where they proceeded to get an IV started.  I had tested positive for Group B Strep so we wanted to get antibiotics going as soon as possible because it takes 4 hours for them to be effective.  After two (painful) attempts, the nurses were unable to get the IV started.  I had been at the hospital just 4 days prior for IV fluids due to dehydration because of the norovirus, a nasty stomach bug that had worked its way through our entire family.  I am not sure if I was still slightly dehydrated from being sick or what, but for whatever reason they had to call in an IV specialist.  After two more painful attempts an IV was finally put in my hand and we were able to get fluids going.  When they placed the IV they also took my blood.  After way too long they were finally able to get the penicillin for the Group B Strep started.  I had to get 4 hours of these antibiotics before we could even start the Pitocin for inducing.  By the time we actually got the Pitocin started it was 5pm and we had been at the hospital for 8.5 hours.  This process was taking a bit longer than I had anticipated.  Meanwhile, my blood work came back with extremely low platelet counts.  The doctor explained that this may mean that I could not get an epidural.  That was a little bit scary/disheartening to hear.  I was not set on getting an epidural, but with how long the process was taking I knew I would be tired and may likely want the option of having an epidural.  The doctor thought that it was unusual to have such low platlet counts so he ordered my blood to be drawn two more times.  Fortunately both of those counts came back in the normal range, so I would be able to get an epidural after all.  At 5pm we got the Pitocin started!  We were getting excited!  I sipped on chicken broth, red jello, sprite, and popsicles throughout the day and into the night, as I was not allowed to eat anything and I had not had anything to eat since 7:30am that morning.  Around 6pm Grandma and Grandpa Calvin and Madison and Makenzie and Ellie came to visit.  It was a nice break in the day.  Contraction started picking up and becoming painful and at 9pm I was able to get in the Jacuzzi tub for a while which was relaxing and helped with the pain.  And it was just nice to be out of the hospital bed after laying down for over 12 hours.  At 11pm I was 4 cm and it was decided the we would break my water and stop the Pitocin since labor seemed to have started.  I asked for an epidural at this point.  Just after getting the epidural I passed out for a moment.  I was fine, but it startled the poor nurses.  Every time I would have to lay directly on my back I would start to feel like I would pass out, so I started to lay on my side for an procedures needing to be done.  Hailey favored my right side so I spent much of my time in this position.  We would try to switch it up and let me lay on my left side, but Hailey didn’t respond well to it, so back my right side I went.  At midnight they broke my water.  With the epidural in I was able to take a short nap.  At 4:30am the nurse checked me and said I was 8-9cm!  I was so excited!  I had been at the hospital for 21 hours and I was ready to meet my baby!  I thought for sure that I would be feeling the need to push soon.  Hours ticked by and I never felt the need to push.  My contractions slowed down and finally at 7am my doctor decided to put me back on Pitocin to help speed up labor.  He checked me and said I was actually only 7cm.  That was a bit disheartening to hear.  I was really hungry and really tired by this point.  Pitocin was restarted and contractions picked back up.  At around 8:30am Josh decided to go grab a cup of coffee.  I thought it would be a while before the baby came so I suggested Starbucks.  He didn’t want to risk it and decided to walk to the hospital coffee shop instead.  At 8:45 am I suddenly felt a lot of pressure.  It was so sudden.  It took me a moment to realize what I was feeling.  And then I realized it was time to push.  The nurse checked me and I was 10cm.  She called the doctor and I called Josh.  The pressure was really intense and waiting for Josh seemed like forever.  As soon as he got back and the doctor was ready it was time.  With one contraction and two pushes Hailey Claire Thorp was born at 8:55am on January 3, 2014.  I could not believe that you were actually here.  It had been such a long day and then it all happened so quickly.  I was instantly in love.  You were 8lbs 4 ounces and 20” long, beautiful, and absolutely perfect.  We feel beyond blessed to have a fourth healthy, beautiful baby girl.