Another update. Kenzie has been throwing up for 36 hours now, atleast 18 times. We are concerned about dehydration now. I have been giving her 1.5 tsp of liquid for the past hour and half and so far she has been able to keep it down. I started giving her Sprite, after having nothing but water for a day an a half and she can't get over how good it tastes. It has perked her spirits up to get a little sugar in her system. I feel so bad for the kid. She already looks smaller, and she is already so tiny to begin with. I am praying she gets over this soon for her sake and so we can enjoy or day together a family tomorrow before the baby comes the following day. This is by far the worst illness to hit our little family. We are all ready for it to pass. And this is so not how I envisioned the last days before we had the baby. I am thankful that Josh and the girls have been on break and we are able to stay home without missing obligations. I am thankful that I am already on maternity leave. I am thankful that the baby has not come yet as it allow more time to get our family and home healthy for her arrival.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Update on our family
Update on pregnancy and our family.
After my last post on Saturday I ended up getting really sick. At 2am I went into Labor and Delivery to get IV fluids for dehydration. Being in the L&D room for fluids when you know your baby is healthy and full term is a little disheartening. But I was in absolutely no shape to have a baby and was so glad that labor didn't start. While I was at the hospital Josh and Madison were at home throwing up, among other things.... Ellie had thrown up three times on Thursday and it seemed to pass very quickly for her. Madison was back to her usual self by Sunday morning. Makenzie started throwing up Sunday night and into this morning. I think all of the symptoms have finally left the house. We are resting up and cleaning and sanitizing everything in preparation for the baby.
I had a doctors appointment this morning and I am 1-2 cm, 75% effaced and cervix is soft. The doctor offered to strip my membranes but I opted not to in order to give our family one more day to recover before we have a baby. I am scheduled to be induced on Thursday morning at 8:30 am. Pray that the hospital doesn't fill up!
After my last post on Saturday I ended up getting really sick. At 2am I went into Labor and Delivery to get IV fluids for dehydration. Being in the L&D room for fluids when you know your baby is healthy and full term is a little disheartening. But I was in absolutely no shape to have a baby and was so glad that labor didn't start. While I was at the hospital Josh and Madison were at home throwing up, among other things.... Ellie had thrown up three times on Thursday and it seemed to pass very quickly for her. Madison was back to her usual self by Sunday morning. Makenzie started throwing up Sunday night and into this morning. I think all of the symptoms have finally left the house. We are resting up and cleaning and sanitizing everything in preparation for the baby.
I had a doctors appointment this morning and I am 1-2 cm, 75% effaced and cervix is soft. The doctor offered to strip my membranes but I opted not to in order to give our family one more day to recover before we have a baby. I am scheduled to be induced on Thursday morning at 8:30 am. Pray that the hospital doesn't fill up!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
39 Weeks
How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? I was sleeping great and then I cam down with the flu a couple of days ago.
Stretch marks? Nope
Best (pregnancy) moment this week: I suppose the fact that I didn't go into labor, given that I was so sick and can't imagine labor and being this sick at the same time...
Movement: Still moving, but more like rolling, no jabs or anything. Actually it has been pretty awesome, I have been a little worried about the baby since I have been so sick, but every time I needed to feel her move for my own mental comfort, she would move immediately.
Food Cravings: Since I have been sick nothing sounds good. I've had a lot of apple sauce the past 3 days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The flu.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Fairly symptom free the past couple of days, though I am finding I cannot do nearly as much as I used to be able to do without being physically and mentally worn out.
Babies Size: 7+ lbs and 20 inches (though I am estimating she is over 8lbs)
Labor Signs: Random contractions here and there.
Due Date: Who knows "plan" didn't happen. ;) I guess she'll come out at some point!
Looking forward to: Being fully recovered from the flu and having a doctors appointment on Monday that will hopefully get some things moving. I've given up on deciding on a name before we meet her.
Looking forward to: Being fully recovered from the flu and having a doctors appointment on Monday that will hopefully get some things moving. I've given up on deciding on a name before we meet her.
Today is the day I was hoping to be induced. I honestly hadn't really planned on being pregnant past today. I went to the doctor on Thursday and I was not progressed enough to schedule an induction. And he wouldn't strip my membranes until 39 weeks. I was so disappointed after the appointment because I had really been planning on him doing both, but by that evening I was really sick. I was up all night with tons of pain, cramping and throwing up. I haven't been able to do anything for the past couple of days. So now, I am so thankful that I did not get my membranes stripped or schedule an induction. I have an appointment early on Monday morning. I am hoping their is enough progress to possibly schedule an induction and that I will be able to get my membranes stripped and possibly go into labor on my own by Tuesday.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Letter to our Baby Girl
Dear Baby Girl (We are still picking out the perfect name for you),
It is Christmas morning 2013, the house is quiet, everyone else is asleep and I am sitting by the light of the Christmas tree thinking about you. If all goes according to my plans and hopes for you, I will be holding you in my arms in 2-3 days. I am so excited to meet you! Your Dad and I have anticipated your arrival since the moment we found out I was pregnant. You have three sisters who are beyond excited for their new baby sister to be born. Little one, you are well loved!
I cannot wait to see what you look like. God has knit you together for these past 9 months, planning every hair on your head, the color of your eyes, and the shape of your nose. You are beautiful! I am so excited to see the personality God has chosen for you, and to watch your strengths and gifts develop. I can't wait to see what plans God has for your life. Baby girl you are not even born yet, but God has big plans for your life. He loves you beyond measure!
Very soon I will get to hold you in my arms. I will sit up at night nursing you and praying for you. I will cherish each moment we have together. Your sisters will love on you with lots and lots of hugs and kisses. They will be waiting anxiously to share with you their favorite toys and dolls and teach you all of their favorite things. You will be Daddy's little girl. You have the best daddy! He will shower you with love, affection and lots of playtime and attention! You are loved!
Your Dad and I love you unconditionally. You do not have to earn it, it is already done, we have fallen in love with you forever and always. Even when you feel that you are less than perfect, you can know without a doubt that you are loved.
We pray for you already and will continue to do so every day of your life. Our prayer is that you would grow up safe and secure in the fact that you are loved by us and by your heavenly Father. We pray that you would develop the characteristics that God have given uniquely to you and that you would use those traits to honor and serve the Lord. We pray that you would be characterized by loving others and loving God.
We love you baby girl. We cannot wait to meet you!
Love always and forever,
It is Christmas morning 2013, the house is quiet, everyone else is asleep and I am sitting by the light of the Christmas tree thinking about you. If all goes according to my plans and hopes for you, I will be holding you in my arms in 2-3 days. I am so excited to meet you! Your Dad and I have anticipated your arrival since the moment we found out I was pregnant. You have three sisters who are beyond excited for their new baby sister to be born. Little one, you are well loved!
I cannot wait to see what you look like. God has knit you together for these past 9 months, planning every hair on your head, the color of your eyes, and the shape of your nose. You are beautiful! I am so excited to see the personality God has chosen for you, and to watch your strengths and gifts develop. I can't wait to see what plans God has for your life. Baby girl you are not even born yet, but God has big plans for your life. He loves you beyond measure!
Very soon I will get to hold you in my arms. I will sit up at night nursing you and praying for you. I will cherish each moment we have together. Your sisters will love on you with lots and lots of hugs and kisses. They will be waiting anxiously to share with you their favorite toys and dolls and teach you all of their favorite things. You will be Daddy's little girl. You have the best daddy! He will shower you with love, affection and lots of playtime and attention! You are loved!
Your Dad and I love you unconditionally. You do not have to earn it, it is already done, we have fallen in love with you forever and always. Even when you feel that you are less than perfect, you can know without a doubt that you are loved.
We pray for you already and will continue to do so every day of your life. Our prayer is that you would grow up safe and secure in the fact that you are loved by us and by your heavenly Father. We pray that you would develop the characteristics that God have given uniquely to you and that you would use those traits to honor and serve the Lord. We pray that you would be characterized by loving others and loving God.
We love you baby girl. We cannot wait to meet you!
Love always and forever,
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Nutcracker 2013
The girls and I went to the Nutcracker Ballet again in Portland this year. It is one on our favorite Christmas traditions. This was Madison's 4th year going and Makenzie's 3rd year. Next year Ellie will be old enough to go with us! We had lots of friends go with us this year. We went to an open-kitchen restaurant for dinner before the ballet and the girls were able to watch their dinner being prepared. The girls had a blast hanging out with their friends before the show, putting on lip gloss in the big bathroom at the Keller Auditorium. We went to a late showing this year, 7:30pm, and Kenzie was struggling to stay awake by the end. I am pretty sure both girls were asleep before we left the parking garage. Thankful for another year of traditions with my girls!
38 Weeks
Still Pregnant...this is the day in my pregnancy that I had Ellie. Not feeling like it is going to be a repeat with this one though.
How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs (lost a couple)
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? Sleeping pretty well.
Stretch marks? Nope
Best (pregnancy) moment this week:
Movement: She has definitely slowed down, but still has her active moments. She is getting strong!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries, Coke and Rold Gold White Chocolate Honey Braided Twists Pretzels...they are SOOOOOO good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: Fairly symptom free the past couple of days, though I am finding I cannot do nearly as much as I used to be able to do without being physically and mentally worn out.
Babies Size: 6 1/2 lbs and 19 1/2 inches.
Labor Signs: Nothing really. I would like her to come out though. ;)
Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs (lost a couple)
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? Sleeping pretty well.
Stretch marks? Nope
Best (pregnancy) moment this week:
Movement: She has definitely slowed down, but still has her active moments. She is getting strong!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries, Coke and Rold Gold White Chocolate Honey Braided Twists Pretzels...they are SOOOOOO good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: Fairly symptom free the past couple of days, though I am finding I cannot do nearly as much as I used to be able to do without being physically and mentally worn out.
Babies Size: 6 1/2 lbs and 19 1/2 inches.
Labor Signs: Nothing really. I would like her to come out though. ;)
Due Date: Hoping for December 28th at the latest. Next doctor appointment is December 26th.
Looking forward to: Christmas with my family and the arrival of our new baby girl! Oh, and deciding on a name, preferably before she is born.
Looking forward to: Christmas with my family and the arrival of our new baby girl! Oh, and deciding on a name, preferably before she is born.
It's crazy to think that she should be here a week from today. Even though this is my fourth, I have trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that we are going to have a new daughter, a little person that we love as much as we love the three girls we already have. Can't wait!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
37 Weeks
37 Weeks
How far along? 37 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: 27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? Sleeping very well lately.
Stretch marks? Nope
Best (pregnancy) moment this week: getting baby's stuff animal and my hospital pj's.
Movement: She has definitely slowed down, but still has her active moments. She is getting strong!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries, Coke
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: I am getting symptoms that I have never had before with any of my pregnancies...swelling of my ankles (err...cankles), heart burn, nesting...
Babies Size: 6 and 1/3 lbs and 19 inches.
Labor Signs: Nothing really
Total weight gain/loss: 27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? Sleeping very well lately.
Stretch marks? Nope
Best (pregnancy) moment this week: getting baby's stuff animal and my hospital pj's.
Movement: She has definitely slowed down, but still has her active moments. She is getting strong!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries, Coke
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: I am getting symptoms that I have never had before with any of my pregnancies...swelling of my ankles (err...cankles), heart burn, nesting...
Babies Size: 6 and 1/3 lbs and 19 inches.
Labor Signs: Nothing really
Due Date: Hoping for December 28th at the latest. Next doctor appointment is December 26th.
Looking forward to: Christmas with my family and the arrival of our new baby girl! Oh, and deciding on a name, preferably before she is born.
Looking forward to: Christmas with my family and the arrival of our new baby girl! Oh, and deciding on a name, preferably before she is born.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Soaking Up Every Moment
Life is about to change. While I am greatly anticipating meeting my baby girl, I am also trying to soak up every moment I can with my three girls in life as we know it. Ellie, Makenzie and I had a fun lunch out today. I just love these girls so much. I am so incredibly blessed by them.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
36 Weeks
How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs! Oy!
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? A good nightssleep is hit or miss
Stretch marks? Nope
Best moment this week: being able to say that baby will arrive this month!
Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs! Oy!
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep? A good nightssleep is hit or miss
Stretch marks? Nope
Best moment this week: being able to say that baby will arrive this month!
Movemement: She has definitely slowed down, but still has her active moments. She is getting strong!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries, Coke
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: Moodiness, nesting, occasional hip pain.
Babies Size: 6lbs and 18.5 inches.
Labor Signs: A few painful contractions...something I did not experience before labor with the other three girls
Due Date: Hoping for December 26th!
Looking forward to: seeing if their is progress at my next appointment, enjoying the holiday season!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries, Coke
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: Moodiness, nesting, occasional hip pain.
Babies Size: 6lbs and 18.5 inches.
Labor Signs: A few painful contractions...something I did not experience before labor with the other three girls
Due Date: Hoping for December 26th!
Looking forward to: seeing if their is progress at my next appointment, enjoying the holiday season!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
There are times with each child when it feels like there is more negative than positive. There are time when you feel like you are failing to connect and parent on the level your child requires. I feel like that with Madison sometimes. We are so different. She is sensitive and compassionate. I, am neither of those things. I often feel like I am too rushed, too harsh, too abrupt when parenting her. I am afraid at times that I am crushing the beautiful personality that God has given her. She is an incredible kid. Lately I am seeing her unique and amazing personality come out even more.
She is kind and loving. I've never heard her speak a cruel word to anyone. She is obedient and is willing to stand up for what is right. I have often worried that as she gets older would be a follower and let friends with stronger personalities sway her beliefs and convictions. But a recent event made me see how strong she really is. Last week Madison and a friend of hers were getting ready for ballet. The girls have been told by her friends mom that they aren't allowed to change in the same bathroom stall. I have never told Madison that she couldn't change in the same stall. After being in the bathroom for a long time Madison walked out alone. She came over to me and said, "It didn't go so well in there" and then she burst in to tears and attempted to tell me what had happened. It turns out her friend had tried to persuade Madison to change in the same stall as her. She said her mom had forgotten or that she wouldn't care anymore. When Madison resisted, her friend started telling her that she wouldn't be her friend anymore, wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't sit by her, wouldn't play with her. Madison then reminded her friend that she didn't really mean those things, that she was just saying it because she was upset. I was beyond proud when I heard how Madison handled herself. I was so thankful that she was able to remain obedient to her friends Mom's rule, a rule I had never even set in place for her. I was proud of her for standing strong even with no adults around. I was proud of her for reminding her friend that she didn't really mean those things. I love her little friend, I don't record this event to make Madison look better than her friend, Madison has her moments too. I just wanted to share one of those moments as a parent that makes you proud and thankful and feel so incredibly blessed for the person God has made your child to be. I can see Madison growing and maturing and it such a rewarding thing to watch take place.
Another recent proud moment with Madison was her placing first in her class for her school spelling be. We spend some time studying almost every day. Usually she was happy to study, sometimes she was a little reluctant. We kept at it as I felt like it would be a really good learning experience for her. She is very nervous now about going on to the larger spelling be for all of the Christian schools in the area. I am proud of her for pursuing the larger spelling bee even though it is outside of her comfort zone. I hope that no matter what the outcome of the bee that she will come out stronger, feeling proud of herself and with a knowledge that hard work can be rewarding.
I am so thankful for my firstborn girl. I am so thankful that God made her who she is. She is the perfect bundle of sensitive, compassionate, strong, intelligent, musical, and so much more. I am so excited to get to continue to watch her to develop and mature over the next years of her life.
She is kind and loving. I've never heard her speak a cruel word to anyone. She is obedient and is willing to stand up for what is right. I have often worried that as she gets older would be a follower and let friends with stronger personalities sway her beliefs and convictions. But a recent event made me see how strong she really is. Last week Madison and a friend of hers were getting ready for ballet. The girls have been told by her friends mom that they aren't allowed to change in the same bathroom stall. I have never told Madison that she couldn't change in the same stall. After being in the bathroom for a long time Madison walked out alone. She came over to me and said, "It didn't go so well in there" and then she burst in to tears and attempted to tell me what had happened. It turns out her friend had tried to persuade Madison to change in the same stall as her. She said her mom had forgotten or that she wouldn't care anymore. When Madison resisted, her friend started telling her that she wouldn't be her friend anymore, wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't sit by her, wouldn't play with her. Madison then reminded her friend that she didn't really mean those things, that she was just saying it because she was upset. I was beyond proud when I heard how Madison handled herself. I was so thankful that she was able to remain obedient to her friends Mom's rule, a rule I had never even set in place for her. I was proud of her for standing strong even with no adults around. I was proud of her for reminding her friend that she didn't really mean those things. I love her little friend, I don't record this event to make Madison look better than her friend, Madison has her moments too. I just wanted to share one of those moments as a parent that makes you proud and thankful and feel so incredibly blessed for the person God has made your child to be. I can see Madison growing and maturing and it such a rewarding thing to watch take place.
Another recent proud moment with Madison was her placing first in her class for her school spelling be. We spend some time studying almost every day. Usually she was happy to study, sometimes she was a little reluctant. We kept at it as I felt like it would be a really good learning experience for her. She is very nervous now about going on to the larger spelling be for all of the Christian schools in the area. I am proud of her for pursuing the larger spelling bee even though it is outside of her comfort zone. I hope that no matter what the outcome of the bee that she will come out stronger, feeling proud of herself and with a knowledge that hard work can be rewarding.
I am so thankful for my firstborn girl. I am so thankful that God made her who she is. She is the perfect bundle of sensitive, compassionate, strong, intelligent, musical, and so much more. I am so excited to get to continue to watch her to develop and mature over the next years of her life.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
We spent Thanksgiving in Washington. The trip up was our last as a family in our Yaris. We will outgrow it within the month. It was been a good little car for road trips and has never given is any issues. We are definitely outgrowing it though!
It was a pretty low key trip. The girls had fun collecting eggs from the chicken coup with their uncles, coloring and playing games. Lots of football watching took place. Gigi and Boppa came over for Thanksgiving, as did Cameron and Alyssa. By the end of the day my energy was zapped. As much as I don't want to admit it, I just can't keep up the way I could before I was pregnant.
My mom and I were able to go to breakfast and Shopping in Snohomish one morning. I still can't stop thinking about the scones we had! It's crazy how much effort to takes to maintain your relationship with your parents once you have kids. I treasure my time alone with my mom, and wish it happened more.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Christmas tree hunt 2013
We went to our favorite Christmas tree farm for the fourth year in a row. Every tree at the farm is beautiful so it didn't take us long to find the prefect one for us. We went with a Nordman Fir. The girls loved the hunt and enjoyed candy canes at the end. It is fun to watch our family grow as we get our trees each year. When we started getting our tree at this farm we had two, then added a third girl, and next year there will be four girls in our pictures. We are blessed!

35 Weeks
How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself for a few days and I am too tired to walk up the stairs to do it now ;)
Maternity clothes? Yep.
Sleep? A good nightssleep is hit or miss
Stretch marks? Nope
Best moment this week: Spending Thanksgiving with my family in Washington
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself for a few days and I am too tired to walk up the stairs to do it now ;)
Maternity clothes? Yep.
Sleep? A good nightssleep is hit or miss
Stretch marks? Nope
Best moment this week: Spending Thanksgiving with my family in Washington
Movemement: She has her active moments, but it seems like she has slowed down a bit, she isn't tumbling as much as she used to.
Food Cravings: Frozen berries
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: Definite moodiness. I have a strong desire to have the house perfect and everything checked off of my ToDo list, just in case the baby arrives. Of course, with the holiday season upon us and three active girls this isn't a realistic desire.
Babies Size:5 1/4 lbs and 18 inches.
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions have picked up.
Due Date: Hoping for December 26th!
Looking forward to: Having this baby!
Food Cravings: Frozen berries
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Pregnancy Symptoms: Definite moodiness. I have a strong desire to have the house perfect and everything checked off of my ToDo list, just in case the baby arrives. Of course, with the holiday season upon us and three active girls this isn't a realistic desire.
Babies Size:5 1/4 lbs and 18 inches.
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions have picked up.
Due Date: Hoping for December 26th!
Looking forward to: Having this baby!
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